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GCSE AQA Religious Studies Revision Recordings

These short voice recordings will help with your revision.

Full versions of the recordings can be found at the bottom of the page.

To download the files, right-click the download link and select ‘Save Link As’.

Paper 1: Religions – Judaism


Messiah (Download)

Life After Death (Download)

Covenant With Abraham (Download)

Covenant With Israel & The Ten Commandments (Download)

Piknuach Nefesh Sanctity of Life (Download)

Moses (Download)

Justice In Judaism (Download)

Mitzvot Introduction (Download)

Freewill (Download)

The Importance of Covenants To Jews (Download)

God In Judaism (Download)

Practices: Worship

The Synagogue (Download)

Torah (Download)

Prayers In The Synagogue (Download)

Shabbat (Download)

Worship In The Home (Download)

Written Law & Oral Law (Download)

Worship In The Synagogue (Download)

Practices: Rituals

Yom Kippur (Download)

Rosh Hashanah (Download)

Passover (Download)

Funerals & Mourning (Download)

Jewish Marriage Ceremony (Download)

Bar & Bat Mitzvah (Download)

Brit Milah (Download)

Kosher (Download)

Paper 1: Religions – Christianity


Life of Jesus (Download)

Salvation (Download)

Creation (Download)

Evil & Suffering (Download)

Holy Spirit (Download)

Trinity (Download)

Afterlife Heaven & Hell (Download)

Practices: Worship

Prayer (Download)

Baptism (Download)

Holy Communion (Download)

Pilgrimage (Download)

Christmas & Easter (Download)

Bible (Download)

Practices: Community

Church in the Local Community (Download)

Church in the Worldwide Community (Download)

Paper 2: Themes

Theme A: Relationships

Human Sexuality (Download)

Contraception (Download)

Nature & Purpose of Marriage (Download)

Same-Sex Marriage & Cohabitation (Download)

Divorce (Download)

GBQ For Theme A – Sex Before Marriage (Download)

Nature & Purpose of Family (Download)

Gender Equality (Download)

Polygamy & Same Sex Marriage (Download)

Theme B: Life

Origins of the Universe (Download)

Environment Stewardship Dominion and Awe-Wonder (Download)

Use of Animals for Food (Download)

Animal Experimentation (Download)

Evolution (Download)

Abortion (Download)

Euthanasia (Download)

Beliefs About Life After Death (Download)

GBQs For Theme B Abortion – Euthanasia & Animals (Download)

Theme E: Religion, Crime & Punishment

Community Service (Download)

Prison (Download)

Christian Attitudes to Punishment (Download)

GBQs Death Penalty, Forgiveness & Corporal Punishment (Download)

Death Penalty (Download)

Reasons Why People Commit Crime (Download)

Theft, Murder & Hate Crime (Download)

Aims of Punishment (Download)

Forgiveness in Christianity (Download)

Theme F: Human Rights

What Causes Poverty (Download)

Charity (Download)

Responsibilities Towards The Poor (Download)

Exploitation of the Poor (Download)

Wealth (Download)

Racial Prejudice & Discrimination (Download)

Social Justice (Download)

GBQ For Theme F – Women – Freedom of Belief & Wealth (Download)

Human Rights (Download)

Treatment of Women & Homosexuals Within Religion (Download)

Freedom of Religion (Download)

Miss Cunliffe's recordings


Theme B (D) Religion, Peace & Conflict

Peace, Justice, Forgiveness and Reconciliation (Download)

Violence & Violent Protest (Download)

Terrorism (Download)

Reasons for War: Greed, Self Defence & Retaliation (Download)

The Just War Theory including criteria (Download)

Holy War (Download)

Pacifism (Download)

Belief as a cause of war in the contemporary world (Download)

Nuclear Weapons including Nuclear Deterrence (Download)

The use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Download)

Religion and Peacemaking (Download)

Religious responses to the victims of war (Download)

Great British Questions (Download)

Christianity Video Links

Below are links to all the recordings. You need to access the videos through stream. You can do this by being logged into your Lowton Church of England High School account.

Christian Beliefs

Video Link

The nature of God

God as omnipotent, loving and just, and the problem of evil and suffering



The nature of God

the oneness of God and the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.



Different Christian beliefs about creation including the role of Word and Spirit (John 1:1-3 and Genesis 1:1-3).



Different Christian beliefs about the afterlife and their importance, including: resurrection and life after death; judgement, heaven and hell.




the incarnation and Jesus as the Son of God




the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension



sin, including original sin



the means of salvation, including law, grace and Spirit and the role of Christ in salvation including the idea of atonement.



Mix of revision
