SEND Information Report
Our school
We are a mission-led school, defined and driven by our Christian values, in our local community for our local community, to provide an exceptional education to prepare our students spiritually, socially and academically for life.
Our aim for each child is to reflect the uniqueness and infinite worth of each child in God’s eyes.
We strive to be fully inclusive in all of our actions. We work closely with students with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND), ensuring that students are individually supported and that they progress well from their starting point. We respect the worth of every individual and we strive to ensure that all of our students do the same. Our aim is for all of our students with SEND to flourish, thrive and succeed spiritually, socially and academically.
We endeavour to do all that we can through the lens of the child.
For further information please contact the Leadership Director (Inclusion and SEND) and SENDCo (Mrs L Cooper) on 01942 767040.
The kinds of SEND that are provided for
Our school currently provides additional and/or different provision for a range of needs, including:
Area of need |
Communication and interaction. |
Cognition and learning. |
Social, emotional and mental health (SEMH). |
Sensory and/or physical. |
The school’s SEND support overview and ‘Core Offer’
Our staff closely monitor the progress made by all students and ask advice from the SENDCO as soon as they have concerns about any of their students. We then follow the graduated approach, documented below, and the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. A concern might relate to a student’s attainment, progress, behaviour or social, emotional or mental health needs.
Register |
SEN Stage |
Description of Stage and Actions Required |
Not on SEND support register. |
Stage 1 Quality First Teaching and Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice. |
Stage 2 Awareness List. |
If concerns persist following a period at Stage 1, concerns will be shared with the SENDCO and parents.
Stage 3 SEND (K). |
Following a review of Stage 2 and of the student’s learning, SEMH or social needs, if concerns persist and the student is requiring support which is additional to and different from standard quality first teaching, they will be moved to Stage 3.
Stage 4 SEND (E). |
There is no time restriction for a child to be regarded as having Special Educational Needs so movement up and down the SEND Register is fluid. The register is reviewed termly.
Students are invited to contribute to their Pupil Passports and their views are regularly gathered.
Adaptations to the curriculum and learning environment
All of our teaching staff have accessed training in adaptations to their teaching, to recognise strengths and meet needs across the four broad areas of need. We do this by:
- Adapting our curriculum to ensure all students are able to access it, for example by grouping, 1:1 work, adapting the teaching style or content of the lesson.
- Adapting our resources and staffing and deploying TAs to support.
- Using recommended aids, such as laptops, coloured overlays, visual timetables, larger font, and attention aids.
- Adapting our teaching, for example, giving longer processing times, pre-teaching of key vocabulary, and reading instructions aloud.
- Offering interventions such as SoundsWrite and handwriting support.
Expertise and training of staff
All staff attend training on various SEND areas. We attend staff training to share knowledge, strategies and experiences and to ensure consistency of the school’s approach for students with SEND.
Teachers and support staff attend training run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of the students they are working with. The SENDCO works very closely with specialists, who provide advice and direct support regularly.
Disabled Access and Provision
We adhere to the requirements, as per the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments for any student who has specific long or short-term health needs or a disability. This might include exploring the scope for, and following recommendations about, physical adaptations to the school or curriculum, providing access for students with disabilities. Curriculum accessibility is closely monitored and assessed by teachers, under the direction of subject leaders, the Leadership Director (Inclusion and SEND) and the wider Senior Leadership team.
There are disabled access toilet areas in school located in B, F and J Blocks and a number of ramps for wheelchair access. The school consists of a series of ‘blocks’ with accessible ground floor teaching spaces in all subject areas. The open-plan layout of the site combined with ramps make the site fully accessible. Disabled parking is also available.
Securing equipment and facilities
It may be that your child’s needs mean we need to secure:
- Extra equipment or facilities.
- Additional adult support.
- Additional training for our staff.
- External specialist expertise.
We will consult with specialist agencies and services who loan or supply specialist equipment and get recommendations about how best to support your child to access their learning.
Involving parents and carers
It is essential that parents are kept closely informed about their children’s progress or needs. Such communication will usually take place via the whole school systems such as Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) review meetings, parents’ evenings and the half termly reporting process. Other situations may arise where it is necessary to contact home:
- To arrange an annual EHCP review or discuss issues from a current EHCP.
- To request parental permission for specialist assessment of a student.
- To discuss new/arising issues regarding a student’s behavioural or academic need not presently identified.
- To discuss case notes following external intervention from a service e.g. Speech and Language Service.
- To informally ‘check-in’ with parents regarding their child’s needs and progress.
The SENDCo will be available for appointments at parents’ evenings and SEND drop-in events. Parents are also welcome to contact school with any concerns or queries.
Exam Access Arrangements
The school works within the examination board guidelines to put into place access arrangements that are appropriate and meet the needs of the individual students.
Support for children looked after and children previously looked after with SEND
Our designated teacher will work with our SENDCO to make sure that all teachers understand how a child looked after or a child previously looked-after’s circumstances and their SEND might interact, and what the implications are for teaching and learning.
Children who are looked-after or previously looked-after will be supported much in the same way as any other child who has SEND. However, children looked after will also have a personal education plan (PEP). We will make sure that the PEP and any SEND Pupil Passports or EHCPs are consistent and complement one another.
Evaluating the effectiveness of provision
Progress of all students including those with SEND is monitored in line with school assessment procedures. Internal tracking systems are used to highlight progress of individuals as well as identified groups.
Progress data is shared with parents in written format as well as face to face at parents’ evenings.
Additional questions or concerns can be answered with by contacting the Assistant SENDCo or the SENDCo
Transition arrangements
Our aim is to ensure that children at Lowton Church of England High School experience a smooth transition through their time at our school, so that they feel happy, confident and secure within their environment. In addition to the school’s transition programme, students with additional needs who may require additional transition time will be offered sessions throughout the summer term. During this time, they can familiarise themselves with the school and with key staff members.
Students are supported as they prepare to transition to the next stage of their education or training by enhanced careers support.
Students with EHCP plans receive coordinated support from school and the LA to ensure that they are aware of, and able to access, the full range of settings that may be available to them post-16.
With parental permission, school is able to share information about the support received in school and about students’ access arrangements with post-16 settings.
Access to extra-curricular and enrichment activities
All of our extra-curricular activities and visits are available to all our students, including our extra-curricular clubs.
No student is ever excluded from taking part in these activities because of their SEN or disability and we will make whatever reasonable adjustments are needed to make sure that they can be included.
Support for improving emotional and social development
An extensive package of pastoral support is available with enhanced support offered through Heads of Year, Student Support Managers and Teaching Assistants for those who require it.
Targeted small group and 1:1 support and intervention is also available according to student need.
The Hub is available at social time to support those who benefit from more structured and supported social time.
Complaints about SEND provision
If you have any concerns about this information report or SEND in general, please contact our SENDCO in the first instance. A copy of the full complaints procedure is available on the school’s website.
Working with external agencies
In order to support students, the school works with a wide range of external agencies, including:
- Targeted Education Support Service (TESS).
- Educational Psychologists.
- Health specialists.
- Speech and language therapists.
- Physiotherapists.
- Occupational Therapists.
- Specialist Sensory Education Team.
- Family Help (previously StartWell).
External agency support will only be delivered in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice and following detailed discussions between the SENDCO and parents/carers of students. Parent/carer consent is always sought before inviting external agency support.
The Local Offer
The Local Authority has a Local Offer website and information about services that may be available to you.
Contact details of support services for parents of students with SEND
SENDIASS offer free, impartial information, advice and support to families of children and young people 0-25yrs who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND).
The SENDIASS offer can include:
- Providing information, advice and support.
- Signposting to SEND services which are available in Wigan.
- Links to local parent support groups and forums.
- Support and advocacy within meetings.
- Support in resolving disagreements, mediation and tribunals.
- Explaining the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process.
Embrace Wigan and Leigh offer a wide range of support, events, activities and training for families of children with disabilities.
School Contact Details |
Chair of Governors |
Mrs R Johnston |
SEND Governor |
Mrs R Johnston |
Safeguarding Governor |
Mrs R Johnston |
Headteacher |
Mrs J Galbraith |
Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Miss H Clare |
Leadership Director (Inclusion & SEND)/SENDCo |
Mrs L Cooper |
Senior Pastoral Lead |
Miss H Moreton |
Assistant SENDCo |
Mrs A Roberts |
Teaching Assistants |
Mrs C Carter |
Mrs K Fisher |
Mrs C Lamb |
Mrs L Lundy |
Mrs A Race |
Mr C Smith Mrs M Rogers Mrs S Hewitt |
Mrs C Withington |
External Support Agencies |
TESS teacher |
Mrs J Mutchell |
Wigan Careers Service |
Mrs S O'Hara-Moore |
Educational Psychologist |
Dr E Arthur |
Wigan LA EHCP Coordinators |
N Schofield (Yr 7-8), E Walker (Yr 9-11) |
School Nurse |
Mrs A Holt |