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SEND Information Report

Here at Lowton Church of England High School we believe that every teacher is a teacher of all our young people, including those with Special Educational Needs. Our aim is to work with, and for, our young people and their families. We have high expectations and are committed to developing our young people academically, socially, morally, spiritually and culturally. We aim to foster a ‘can do’ and independent attitude that will help to equip them for school life and beyond.

Please contact the SENDCo (Mrs L Cooper) on 01942 767040


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The Governing Body’s Principles, Aims And Objectives In Making Special Educational Needs Provision

To operate a ‘whole pupil, whole school’ approach to the management and provision of special needs. Here at Lowton we believe that every teacher is a teacher of all our young people, including those with Special Educational Needs. Our aim is to work with, and for, our young people and their families. We have high expectations and are committed to developing our young people academically, socially, morally, spiritually and culturally. We aim to foster a ‘can do’ and independent attitude that will help to equip them for school life and beyond.

How will my child’s needs be monitored?

All children are entitled to receive help according to their needs. It is recognised that, as levels of severity increase, so does the input from the school. There is no time restriction for a child to be regarded as having Special Educational Needs so movement up and down the SEND Register is fluid. The areas of need are:

  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Sensory and/ or Physical needs

SEN Statement of Intent

We strive to be fully inclusive in all of our actions. We work closely with pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities, ensuring that they are individually supported and that they progress well from their starting point. We respect the worth of every individual and we strive to ensure that all of our pupils do the same. Our aim is for all of our pupils with SEND to flourish both academically and personally.

How will my child’s needs be identified?

All children are entitled to receive help according to their needs. It is recognised that, as levels of severity increase, so does the input from the school. There is no time restriction for a child to be regarded as having Special Educational Needs so movement up and down the SEND Register is fluid. The areas of need are:

  • Cognition and learning – including specific learning difficulties/dyslexia (literacy);
  • Emotional, behavioural and social;
  • Sensory/physical and/or medical;
  • Communication and interaction.

On Entry: In addition to liaison with primary schools to gather information, all Year 6 Key Stage 2 results are passed to Lowton C of E High School as students transfer from their feeder primaries along with any SEND files. During their first term all students undertake a range of screening tests. Parents will be informed about precise interventions to be delivered though out the academic year. Your child’s progress can be discussed with the SENDCO at any point. Your child’s needs may warrant inclusion on the school’s SEND Register which is reviewed termly, to ensure that all pupils’ needs are being met. To ensure no child’s needs are missed the school adopts transfers all children who are on their primary school's SEND register on to our register in the first instance. The Year 7 SEND register is adjusted once we are in receipt of all baseline data and have seen the children settle during the first half-term.

What should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

If you think that your child may have a special educational need, you can contact the SENDCO at any time.

What communication with parents and other stakeholders can be expected?

It is essential that parents are kept closely informed about their children’s progress or needs. Such communication will usually take place via the whole school systems such as Education and Health Care Plan (EHC Plan) Review meetings, parents’ evenings and the reporting process. Other situations may arise where it is necessary to contact home:

  • To arrange an annual EHC Plan review or discuss issues from a current EHC Plan.
  • To request parental permission for specialist assessment of a pupil.
  • To discuss new/arising issues regarding a pupil’s behavioural or academic need not presently identified.
  • To discuss case notes following external intervention from a service e.g. Speech and Language Service.
  • To informally ‘check-in’ with parents regarding their child’s needs and progress.
How will SEND provision be delivered?

Following identification of learning needs, the SENDCo will initiate personalised intervention pathways. Interventions may include:

  • Additional literacy support through the Sounds Write programme.
  • Teaching Assistant withdrawal 1:1 or small group to work on individualised programmes.
  • External agency involvement.
  • In class Teaching Assistant support.

For a child in receipt of an EHC Plan, the child can expect to receive 1:1 in class Teaching Assistant support in line with the recommended hours outlined by the LEA in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice.

How will my child’s SEND needs be shared with the teaching staff?

Children SEND needs will be placed on the school’s SEND Register which is reviewed each term and used to track pupil progression and monitor effective provision. Children on the SEND register have a Pupil Passport which is shared with their teachers and any other key staff working with them. The pupil passport gives information about the pupil's needs, and gives detailed information about how to best meet these needs to ensure that the pupil can thrive, flourish and succeed. Both the SEND Register and the Pupil Passports are shared with teaching staff to ensure information has been communicated and acted upon. In addition, the SENDCO delivers training every September. In accordance with the school’s Child Protection Policy, all pupil data and personal information will not be shared or discussed unless it is professionally pertinent to do so and in line with the school’s Safeguarding policy.

My child has an Education Health and Care Plan. How will this be reviewed?
  • The Annual Review ensures that, once a year, the parents, the pupil, the LA, the school, and all the professionals involved consider both the progress the pupil has made over the previous 12 months and whether any amendments need to be made to the EHC Plan.
  • It is a way of monitoring and evaluating the continued effectiveness and appropriateness of the EHC Plan.
How do you assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the provision you make with SEN and Disability?
  • Progress of all students including SEND is monitored in line with school assessment procedures. Internal tracking systems are used to highlight progress of individuals as well as identified groups.
  • Progress data is shared with parents in written format as well as face to face at parent’s evenings.
  • Additional questions or concerns can always be dealt with by contacting the SENDCo
What support will there be for my child’s/young person’s overall wellbeing?

The school firmly believes in clear, consistent and open communication and positive relationships. Communication usually takes place via face to face meetings, telephone, letter and email. Any sensitive issues will be dealt with by the pastoral team in accordance with safeguarding procedures.

What happens when my child requires support during unstructured time?

The school offer a range of activities during unstructured times and after school, including access to the SEN hub, sporting activities, general hobbies and interests or student support for more vulnerable children. Please see our extracurricular timetable for a further idea of what’s on offer.

How does school manage transitions between activities during the day?

Personalised transition arrangements can be discussed with the SENDCO

What other professional agencies might be involved in my child’s development?

When it is considered necessary, colleagues from the following LEA support services will be involved with SEND pupils:

  • Targeted Education Support Service
  • Educational Psychologists
  • Health specialists
  • Speech and language therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Hearing impairment support
  • Visual impairment support
  • Start well

External agency support will only be delivered in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice and following detailed discussions between the SENDCO and parents/carers of pupils. Parent/carer consent is always sought before inviting external agency support.

What arrangements are made for reasonable adjustments in the curriculum and support to the pupil during exams?

The school works within the examination board guidelines to put into place access arrangements that are appropriate and meet the needs of the individual students.

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

As an inclusive school, all activities are available to all pupils. All pupils are encouraged to take part in activities, including school trips and fully immerse themselves in all school life here at Lowton has to offer.

How accessible is the school environment?

There are disabled access toilet area in school located in J block and B Block and a number of ramps for wheelchair access. The school is built on a two storey village approach with accessible ground floor teaching spaces in all subject areas. The open-plan layout of the site combined with ramps make the site fully accessible. For parents who have English as an Additional Language, we will arrange personal meetings with a translator to ensure parental understanding and involvement in key decision such as option choices. Disabled parking is also available in the visitor and staff car parking areas.

How will my child’s transition to Lowton C of E High School be made successful?

Our aim is to ensure that children at Lowton C of E High School experience a smooth transition through their time at our school, so that they feel happy, confident and secure within their environment. We want to ensure that they make and continue to make the very best social, emotional, spiritual and academic progress. In addition to the school’s transition programme, pupils with additional needs who may require additional transition time will be offered sessions throughout the summer term. During this time, they can familiarise themselves with the school and with key staff members.

For all other year groups – mid-term admissions Parents can apply for a place at the school via Wigan LEA. The school follows the LEA local protocol for admissions. Once the school receives an application, your child’s previous school will be contacted for key information relevant to your child’s education and wellbeing. School then contact parents and arrange an admissions interview where any additional SEND needs will be identified and will be referred to the SENDCO

Contact Details  
Chair of Governors Mrs R Johnston
SEND Governor Mrs R Johnston
Safeguarding Governor Mrs R Johnston
Headteacher Mr K Larkin
Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss H Clare
Leadership Director (Inclusion & SEND)/SENDCo Mrs L Cooper
Senior Pastoral Lead Miss H Moreton
Assistant SENDCo Mrs A Roberts
TAs Mrs C Carter
  Mrs C Chinule
  Mrs K Fisher
  Miss R Kermani
  Mrs C Lamb
  Miss E Lindsay
  Mrs L Lundy
  Mrs V Morgan
  Mrs A Race
  Mr C Smith
  Mrs C Withington
External Support Agencies  
TESS teacher Mrs J Mutchell
LA SEND Officers LA SEND Officers Ms S Halliday (Years 7-8)/Mr M Farrell (Years 9-11)
Wigan Careers Service Mrs S O'Hara-Moore
Educational Psychologist Dr E Arthur
Educational Psychologist Dr E Arthur
School Nurse Mrs A Holt